3 Types of Writing Samples to Include When Applying for Content Marketing Writing Jobs

The most common response I get to my Letter of Introduction is “Can you send me some clips?” With consumer publications, it was relatively easy to figure out which writing samples to include. But with content marketing writing, it is a bit more complicated since businesses and agencies are looking for different things than the glossy pubs when it comes to reviewing clips .

I usually send three to five clips, depending on the quality of the clips that I have. But each clients needs are very different in content marketing and I often don’t have a single writing sample that encompasses everything the client is looking for. However, I am often able to land the gig by sending multiple clips that each show one aspect of what a client is looking for.

Here are three types of samples that I make sure I include each time I send clips:

1. Content or articles on the same topic or for the same audience as the client’s business.

This is the most important thing that most clients are looking for. Brands want content marketing writers who have experience writing about their industry and their topics. The prestige of the publication or the date of the clip is not nearly as important as showing the client that you understand the needs of their audience and the terminology of their industry. Make a list of all of your clips on the subject and then select the one that most closely represents what the client is looking for in a writer. The majority of the clips you include should fall into this category.

2. Samples of the same type of deliverable.

Let’s say a client wants someone to write technology whitepapers. You have significant experience blogging for a B2B technology company and have also written several healthcare-related whitepapers. In addition to including links to your fabulous technology blogs, you should also link to at least two samples of whitepapers as well. If the client wants case studies, whitepapers, or e-books, it is especially important to include clips of these types of deliverables even if it is a different subject area because these specific types of projects are a bit different than writing traditional articles or blog posts.

3. Examples of similar tone and style.

You have both clips that show your subject matter expertise and your skill at writing the deliverable, but the clips that you have included aren’t exactly in the same style or tone as the client’s current content. In this case, I usually find a writing sample that I have that is most similar to the client’s style and I will write a note explaining why I am including it. This both illustrates that I understand the client’s style and have experience writing in the same tone.


How do you select which clips to send to clients? What has your experience been with sending clips? 



  1. Miriam Carey on December 4, 2014 at 11:37 am

    Hi, Jennifer –

    I love your blog posts – they always come at just the right moment when I need a little inspiration. I’ve struggled with clips, too, and keeping them organized is tough. I finally came up with an idea that has been working for me for the past year — I’ve organized clips on my website under two main headings: “Writing and Editing” where I showcase various types of writing like blogs, white papers, etc., and then “Industries Covered” where I categorize content by industry.

    I stole a format from Hubspot for boxing in the various clips, which helped to make it all look nice. Some of the content I’ve done fits under multiple headings — which is fine, as most people are on my site to zero in on one or two pieces. I can send direct links, and I always include the overview page in case they want to browse.

    It took a weekend to put it all together, but it has saved me an immense amount of time and brought a lot of value.

    Thanks so much – keep writing, you’re wonderful to share so much insight.

  2. Jennifer on December 4, 2014 at 1:10 pm

    Miriam, Thank you so much for your kind words! They made my day. I am so glad that you find my posts helpful.

    I looked at your portfolio page and I LOVE IT. It is honestly the best layout I have seen used. It is so clear for potential clients to see exactly what you have done and how the experience relates to their needs. I am redesigning my website soon and am probably going to use your general idea if you don’t mind. It is fantastic.

    Thanks again. And please feel free to let me know any time you have questions or ideas for blog posts that you want to see.

    • Miriam Carey on December 4, 2014 at 2:04 pm

      Aw, thanks! Keep writing!