5 Unique Ways to Follow Up with Content Marketing Clients

Note from Jennifer: Today is the last day to submit your content marketing work for the ASJA Awards. This year is the first year that content marketing categories are included in the annual awards and I would love to have high participation. Winning an award from ASJA is a high honor and provides national recognition to…

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3 Things You Need to Know about B2B Content Marketing

The majority of my income comes from B2B content marketing. B2B is when you are writing for a company that is selling their products or services to another company. American Express OPENForum is an example of B2B because AmEx issues business credit cards to other businesses. B2B is very lucrative for freelance writers because most…

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3 Questions to Answer with Your Freelance Writing 1099 Forms

Note: Since it’s tax season, I decided to update a post from two years ago for this week with new information. I think that your client income distribution – meaning how many clients you have and what portion of your income each represents, is a really crucial part of increasing your income as a content…

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