Six Things to Do This Week to Increase Your Content Marketing Writing Income in 2015

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. You still have the holiday spirit, but the pace is a lot slower than the previous weeks. And I often find myself catching up on things that I never seem to have the time to get to. I also find it’s a great time to reflect on the past year and think about the new one. Last year I wrote a series of posts on goal setting that I think still apply to 2015 so take a minute to click on the links in this post because each contains detailed information on goals and income.

Here are six things to do this week to get 2015 started on the right foot:

  • Reflect on 2014. Tally up your income to see how much you made. Look at the breakdown to see how your client to income ratio shook out. And reflect on which projects were the most fulfilling as well as the most lucrative. By knowing what work for you in 2014 and what didn’t, you can help set the course for 2015. I came slightly short of my income goal that I set, because I ended up realizing in the summer that I wanted to focus more on meaningful projects than just earning high income. I dropped several unfulfilling clients and spent a lot of time looking or meaningful work so my income wasn’t quite as high as I had hoped. But honestly, I am totally OK with that and it was a conscious decision. But knowing that piece of information can help me look for projects in 2015 that are both meaningful and high earning.
  • Determine How Much You Need to Make Each Week and Month to Accomplish This Goal. Once you have a goal, take it a step further and break down the numbers. I find my income is much higher if I know much I need to earn each week to meet my number. Some weeks I beat it and others I am short. But then I know if I need to hustle in the coming weeks or if I can take some time off. Some writers calculate this based on the work that is assigned and others on the work that is invoiced. I calculate it based on the work that I submitted to my editors each week. It doesn’t matter how you add it up, just that you are consistent throughout the year. This post from last year details how to figure out your weekly and monthly earning goals based on your annual goal.
  • Organize Files and Emails. I am not going to admit how many emails I have in my inbox because it is really embarrassing. But I am always focusing on deadlines or marketing so it seems a waste to go through old emails. If you are watching football games or holiday movies, this is a great mindless task to do. Another task on my to-do list is to take some time to clean out files I no longer need on my computer and reorganize my file structure. While it may not seem like this will directly increase your income, it will save time and little bits of wasted time throughout the year looking for things can really add up to a significant amount of unbillable hours.
  •  Update Your Website. When the subject of writer websites comes up, many writers get a sheepish look and say that they need to update their website. I am totally guilty of this and regularly forget to update my portfolio. I get so focused on work for my clients that I forget to focus on my own business sometimes. But is essential that your writer website reflects your most recent work. Take a few minutes this week to update your website. And make a goal to update it every month at least.
  • Learn Something New. I have a long list of articles and websites bookmarked to read when I have more time. But it seems that day never comes. Spend some time this week learning about Content Marketing on the Content Marketing Institute website. Watch a webinar over there or read through some of the ebooks. Go through this blog and read some old posts. Learn more about social media. By researching and learning about the area of your business where you feel you are lacking, you will most likely come up with some great ideas to apply to your business in 2015.

How is your goal and income setting for 2015 going? Any other tasks you are catching up on this week?











  1. Lori Ferguson on December 29, 2014 at 9:36 am

    Jennifer, this post could *not* have hit my in-box at a more opportune moment! I was *just* going through a bunch of old emails and trying to take advantage of the slow time to ‘clear the decks’ a bit. AND I’ve been thinking a lot about my goals for the new year, so I will definitely go back and read your posts on that subject. Thanks for *always* delivering content that’s engaging, insightful and actionable. Happy New Year!!

    • Jennifer on December 29, 2014 at 9:44 am

      You are so sweet! Whenever I start to wonder if anyone is reading my posts, you always comment. Let me know if you have any questions about the goal posts. I really find a huge increase in my income on the years I really set a meaningful goal and stick with it.

      • Lori Ferguson on December 29, 2014 at 9:58 am

        Will do. I was just reading them and preparing to go back through my client rolls for this year and see if my ‘hunch’ as to my most productive clients lines up with reality (as well as my inclinations for 2015).

        I’m ashamed to admit that I am not generally very good at reviewing goals regularly (which I realize dramatically reduces their effectiveness), so that’s in fact one of my goals for the coming year–set some targets and then be more rigorous about my accountability. You have inspired me! 🙂

  2. Anne F. on December 29, 2014 at 10:45 am

    Jen, I’m still here too! Your posts are always spot on and I always look forward to them! In addition to all of the things you mentioned above, one of the things I need to is scan my articles that appeared in print. Thanks for all of your posts and I hope you and your family have a Happy, Healthy 2015!!

    • Jennifer on December 29, 2014 at 10:51 am

      Great to see you!! That is a great addition as well. You reminded me that I have several print only articles that I need to scan as well! I hope things are going well for you.

  3. Ellen Margulies on December 29, 2014 at 10:50 am

    Hi, Jennifer — Just wanted to echo what Lori said. I’ve been a professional writer for more than 25 years and started freelancing full-time in August. I have set an income goal for myself for 2015 and found you blog yesterday and immediately subscribed. Today’s post was very timely — and helpful. My biggest challenge is to NOT spend the next 3 hours reading all of your old posts! Thanks for sharing your insights and wisdom! Keep it up!

    • Jennifer on December 29, 2014 at 10:55 am

      Ellen, Welcome to the blog! I am so glad that you found us! Congratulations on moving to freelancing full-time. Check out the posts bookmarked on the front, especially 8 Steps to Being a Content Marketing Writer and How to Find 100 Clients. Let me know if you have any specific questions. I am happy to help you any way that I can.

  4. Cathie Ericsson on December 29, 2014 at 11:43 am

    I’m here too! I usually do those things in this “off week,” but have crazy and fun family in town.

    I have been thinking a lot about my income goals. Last year was unusual with some particularly lucrative projects that doubled my income but it was a pace and aligning of stars that I don’t think is sustainable. But my regular goals do include those housekeeping items like a new computer filing set up and regular website updating.

    Last year I developed a new income tracking system that made a huge difference so it was nice to see that goal accomplished!