3 Potential Content Marketing Clients That Are Probably Not on Your Radar

Many writers immediately think of the companies that sell a product when looking for content marketing work. But there is a huge market for content marketing writing that many writers often overlook. Since the goal of content marketing is to build trust with potential customers, professionals who help people with sensitive and personal issues can be a lucrative market. By providing helpful information, professionals can both educate potential customers and increase the likelihood of a new customer or referral. In the next few weeks, I will talk more about how to specifically find potential professional clients and pitch your content marketing services.

Here are three types of professionals who often hire content marketing writers and can benefit from their services.

  • Lawyers – If you get a speeding ticket, are thinking of suing someone, or are contemplating filing for divorce, you most likely search online for information. Understanding the law and the process for legal actions can be confusing. Lawyers who provide easy to understand information specific to their practice area when people do a Google search at 3 a.m. are more than likely to get the phone call for an appointment the next day than another lawyer without content available.
  • Dentists and Doctors – Similar to lawyers, people often head to the Internet when they get a diagnosis or when they self-diagnose an illness. Doctors and dentists can also distinguish themselves from other practitioners by providing information relative to their philosophy about treatment and care, such as nutrition or pain management information. Another form of content marketing that can benefit these professionals is ghostwriting in local publications on relevant topics, such as orthodontics and signs of a heart attack.
  • Financial Planners – It takes a high level of trust to let someone manage your money. More than just providing information, financial planners need to connect with clients to develop a relationship. In addition to providing information through blogs and ghostwritten articles, financial planners can connect with potential customers through webinars, videos, and social media campaigns.

Have you done content marketing writing for lawyers, doctors, dentists or financial planners? What was you experience? Are there any other professionals you recommend as good content marketing clients?


  1. […] qualified for, I do make a point of doing a quick scan in between making direct contact with professionals and businesses through networking and letters of […]

  2. 3 Common Myths Writers Have about Content Marketing on September 4, 2013 at 12:46 am

    […] of work through content companies, I prefer working directly with brands and service professionals, such as doctors, lawyers and dentists,  for many projects, which typically garners a higher pay […]

  3. Nikko on April 25, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    Most freelance content writers would often focus on popular topics like fashion or technology topics. What you’ve pointed out here is as vital as any other type of businesses that need to market products. Content marketing should be for everyone looking to get their services known to the Google republic. I am a freelancer and I’ve found that to be able to generate the most number of jobs for me, I have to be flexible and my skills have to be updated too. I’ve also worked with the writers and bloggers at hubstaff and the people there always know their stuff. If you are in the market for high-quality content marketing experts then you can check out – https://hubstaff.com/staffing_packages/content_marketing – to find out more.

  4. […] 3 Potential Content Marketing Clients — more on my self-educational foray into freelance writing. On the bad days, the self-education process is a procrastination technique on actually doing the work. But this article motivates me on doing the work. My favorite part is she thinks outside the box for clients. So vital in a perceived overcrowded market where that alone could convince you to give up the fight. […]