December Decision: Finish Strong or Enjoy the Season?

Note from Jennifer: As I was sitting down to write about my current dilemma, I realized I wrote on this topic six years ago. Since my advice is the same, I decided to update this post instead of starting from scratch to give me more time to both enjoy the season and make more money.  

I always find December to be an odd and sort of challenging month as a freelancer. It’s my last chance to make my 2022 income goals, but at the same time there are always other things I would rather spend my time on. And it’s easy to feel torn. For the first few years of freelancing, I tried to do both and honestly, I didn’t make as much money as I wanted, and I didn’t have very much fun or relaxation. It really didn’t work at all and I was stressed.

However, in recent years, I have tried a different approach where I make a conscious choice whether to earn as much money as possible in December (which is relatively easy because other freelancers want to take time off) or work as little as possible. That’s not to say that during the years I tried to finish strong that I didn’t take time off or have fun, but I didn’t take weeks off on end. And the years I focused on relaxing, I still earned some money, but I pretty much only took extra assignments if I had nothing better to do.

Making the Choice and Making It Work

If you haven’t already done so, take a few minutes to add up your income in 2022 to see where you are. If you are close to making your income goal or surpassing a milestone such as six figures, this may help you make your decision.

I was very glad I did this in 2015 at this time because otherwise I would have fallen short of the six figures by $300 and that would have stunk. And I realized a few weeks ago that I am in a similar position this year with my 200K goal.

Once you have this information, think about whether you want to focus on money or taking it easy. You most likely already know the answer that is right for you. If you don’t, picture what you would do with the extra time over the holidays and then think about what you would use the extra money for as well as what you would miss out on by working a lot.

Now the answer that is right for you should be pretty clear. The next step is making your decision actually stick.

Taking Time Off

If you are going to take time off during the holidays, then pick a date where you are wrapped up for the year and start letting clients know that you will be out of the office (even if that means you will be in your living room). Start wrapping up the assignments on your plate and try your hardest not to take new assignments unless there is a really good reason. And then start focusing on your family and yourself. The years I work less in December, I almost always make my way back to my computer at some point to work on a project that I care about. And I’ve decided that’s OK, because it’s usually something that never gets done during the year – for example, this year I hope to start updating the new edition of my book.

Earning as Much Money as Possible

On the other hand, if your goal in December is to make as much income as possible, start letting clients know that you are looking for extra work. They will likely be taking off or have other writers who want less work. Odds are you can easily get more assignments during this time. And keep reminding your clients about this throughout the holidays as well. You should also spend some extra time marketing yourself because clients who are looking for new freelancers during this time typically have a harder time finding someone willing to take on a new project as the year winds down.

If this is your strategy, then I highly recommend reaching out to past and current clients to let them know you have availability. For your agency clients, be sure to ask if any other projects also have needs and mention your niches. Often agencies don’t know your full skills and you have to ask to get on other projects.

I sent an email last week to a client letting them know that I was out of the office the 3rd week of December, but could take as much work as they could send me before and after my vacation. And guess what – that single email was worth $3000. Within 30 minutes, they sent me over 6 blog posts to write this week that are $500 for 400 to 600 words with no interviews, which will likely take me 1 to 2 hours tops for each one.

Even with taking off time, I will likely have an average or above average month in December. I earned $4K last week, which is about average for me. And this week I have $11,400 on the books in the form of a whitepaper and 15 blog posts. It will be a very busy week, but it’s doable since everything is straightforward. The draft of the whitepaper is already written plus two of the blog posts are done.

What I’m Doing This December

I’m going to do both. Yes, I know I just said that it wasn’t possible. But I think my plan will work because I am making a conscious choice based on my needs and wants.

I am going to work as much as I can and make as much money as I can during the first 2 weeks of December. For me, it would bug me to get so close to 200K and not cross it. I also am still trying to make up for a slow September and October.

And then starting next Dec 13 I am going to work as little as possible. I’m going on vacation with my college kids and then they will be home for two weeks. The key is that I have a clear boundary in my mind and on my calendar. I am not trying to juggle both relaxing and making money at the same time, which is what simply doesn’t work for me.

Making Your Decision

So take a minute. Do the math. There is no wrong answer. Just the answer that works for you and your family.

What type of December do you want to have this year? Have you had a focus in prior years? How did it work? What has been your experience with trying to do both – maybe someone has a secret to making it work?


  1. Lori Ferguson on December 4, 2016 at 3:10 pm

    Jennifer, it’s as if you read my mind! I was wrestling with this question last month and decided to opt for the ‘go light’ version of December this time around. I’ve had a crazy busy year and decided that I just need to rest my noggin a bit. :-/

    I’m still working this month, but doing my level best to have everything polished off by December 16th so that I can enjoy the holidays guilt free.

    That said, your advice to those who have decided to work is sage. I have been *inundated* with calls and emails from my ‘regulars’ these past couple of weeks–seems like everyone has work at the moment, and even if I were going flat out this month, I don’t think I could meet the demand.

    Anyhoo, taking this ‘reduced load’ time to review the past year, see what worked (and what didn’t), set my goals for 2017, and express my gratitude to all of those who have made my work this year so productive and rewarding, among them YOU.

    THANK YOU for all the incredible advice and time that you share in this blog (and many other places). You are appreciated!!

    Happy holidays!

    • Jennifer Goforth Gregory on December 4, 2016 at 4:48 pm

      Awww! You made my day, Thank you Lori! I honestly don’t think this blog would have near as many readers if it wasn’t for all the help you’ve given me for YEARS tweeting my stuff.

      I totally agree with you about so much work now. I also think that a lot of companies are realizing that freelancers are a great way to get content created. I’ve honestly had about 7 new client requests in the past 2 weeks. And my regulars have picked up as well. It’s been crazy. I’ve only broken $10,000 earnings in a month six times and THREE of them are September, October and November of this year. And honestly, I will probably get close to $8,000 in December with only working a half a month. If i wanted to work this December I would break my record. It will be very interesting to see what happens in January.

      • Lori Ferguson on December 6, 2016 at 9:40 am

        Ohhh, that’s very kind, Jennifer. I think you’ve built this blog on your own, based on the incredible content you present month after month. I’m just ‘sharin’ the wealth,’ and if that’s made a difference to your bottom line, I’m doubly thrilled.

        Like Leslie, I went back and ran the numbers after reading your post, and this has been my best year ever, too. I’m incredibly thrilled (and humbled) to think that I can make a solid living doing something I love.

        Thanks again, and a *very* happy holiday!

        • Jennifer Goforth Gregory on December 7, 2016 at 5:41 pm

          Lori, That’s AWESOME. Congratulations!

  2. Chuck Leddy on December 4, 2016 at 3:22 pm

    Funny, I have been thinking about just this topic over the last few days. I’m leaning toward relaxing, and just taking simpler, less-time consuming assignments. BTW, this blog is terrific! Hope you have a great Holiday season, JGG!

    • Jennifer Goforth Gregory on December 4, 2016 at 4:50 pm

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so glad you are finding this blog helpful!

      That’s funny you were thinking about the same thing. I hope you have a nice and relaxing season!

  3. Leslie Lang on December 4, 2016 at 4:59 pm

    Your post made me go into my FreshBooks account just now and check my year-to-date income. I had my best year ever and have made my 2016 goal — by $56! (I patted myself on the shoulder, literally.)

    I love the idea of mostly working on a personal project I want to get done this month. I certainly have projects like that but probably wouldn’t have thought to do that.

    Thanks for your posts. They are great!

    • Jennifer Goforth Gregory on December 4, 2016 at 5:22 pm

      Leslie, Congratulations! That is AWESOME! I’m so happy you made your goal and had your best year. That’s funny about $56 dollars, last year I did it by $300 and i thought that was funny.

      I have done the personal projects the past two years, – two years ago it was starting an ebook, last year it was getting a month’s worth of blog posts written and this year it is going to be finishing my darn ebook!

      I can’t wait to see you in a little over a week!

  4. […] year that you should make a conscious decision to finish strong or take extra time off. (Find out which I chose last year.) Either is a totally valid option, and I personally know that I am happier when I pick one path or […]

  5. Helen Iatrou on December 10, 2022 at 11:06 am

    Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for updating this post! Last December, I was working manically to finish up a well-paying project and missed out on spending extra time over the holiday season with my precious niece and nephew, who moved far away three months later. This year, I’ve decided to slow down, after an intense editorial project, and spend the time finally working on, and completing, my long-postponed website. 2022 was my best year yet as a freelance writer and I have you to thank in large part for that!

    • Jennifer Goforth Gregory on December 11, 2022 at 12:18 am

      That sounds like a fabulous plan!! And I am so happy to hear that 2022 was your most successful year!

  6. […] But it was worth it. I’m taking off for the rest of the month on Dec 13 and really wanted to finish the year strong. So I said yes to everything for the past two weeks. And had I the busiest week of my career last […]