Google Thinks I am Crazy

I have decided that Google must think I am crazy.

While I am working each day, I alternate between researching online, writing articles, and talking on the phone to sources. Oh, and of course I am also emailing clients and playing on social media. But for almost all of my stories, I will do online research to find sources, statistics, and background information on the topic.

I have to admit that many stores (cough, cough, Ann Taylor Loft) have made a lot of money on me by tailoring the display ads to show clothing that I have looked at online. After eight hours of repeatedly being shown the same really cute shirt, I dare you not to buy it as well. But lately as Google as gotten increasingly smarter, I have started noticing that a very odd assortment of ads displays in my browser.

I first began noticing it with the ads to get to a Masters in Taxation from several universities. Anyone who knows me is probably laughing hysterically, because the last advanced degree I would ever get would be in tax. I eventually realized that I had done extensive research on advanced degrees for a content marketing deliverable that I wrote from the Adecco Accounting Today blog. Then I started seeing ads for Infusionsoft, a customer relationship management software that I had researched for a different story. A few days later I started seeing almost exclusively advertisements for retirement homes after researching them for yet another story. So, Google is probably blowing its mind trying to figure out whether I am a college student, middle-age small business owner, or a senior citizen looking to downsize.

It hit me that, because I do so many searches for work research and because I write for a wide variety of publications on many topics, Google has no idea who I am. I am positive that my search habits don’t neatly fit into a certain demographic or pattern because of my job. I realized that nearly all freelance writers I know have most likely confused Google as well.

Have you noticed this as well? What is the oddest ad that you have seen because of your freelance writing research?


  1. Cathie Ericson on July 31, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    This cracked me up because I get the same thing!! I have also noticed the Michael Kors bag that shows up with great frequency, but then it’s the weird mix from topics I have searched for background info.

    Great post! Never really noticed it but it’s true!

    • Cathie Ericson on July 31, 2013 at 2:53 pm

      On that same note, I loved your other post on the strange soup of topics we write about. On my FB a few weeks ago I mentioned that I was in some stage of completing or starting pieces on social media for fitness professionals; ethics for REALTORS; great places to find cupcakes in Portland; a new bank branch opening and a school group returning from DC. Never a dull moment!! We have the best job!

  2. Jennifer on July 31, 2013 at 3:06 pm

    So the million dollar question is “Have you bought the Michael Knorr’s Bag?” :>) I just don’t have the willpower to resist if I have to look at an item for 8 hours a day.

    Oh my gosh, I have posted the same types of things on Facebook about the crazy combinations of things I am writing about. I totally agree that we have the best job. I have to say that I am rarely bored!

    Thanks for the comments!