3 Things You Need to Know about B2B Content Marketing

The majority of my income comes from B2B content marketing. B2B is when you are writing for a company that is selling their products or services to another company. American Express OPENForum is an example of B2B because AmEx issues business credit cards to other businesses. B2B is very lucrative for freelance writers because most…

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My 5 Favorite Blog Posts from 2014

With round up lists of 2014 dominating the media the next two weeks, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon. I’m also feeling a little lazy and didn’t want to write a new post. Not to mention the fact that I have 34 people coming to my house for dinner tomorrow night for our…

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5 Steps to Finding Brands in Your Content Marketing Niche

Many writers think that their niche doesn’t lend itself to content marketing writing.  But I honestly think that will a little creativity and thought that you can find markets for any niche in content marketing writing. Yes, certain niches have more options and some niches pay better, but it I think that every industry has…

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