3 New Content Marketing Writing Tips I Learned This Week

One of my favorite parts about writing this blog is that I get to learn a bunch of cool new things about content marketing each week. Sometimes I learn from researching for a post, but a lot of time I learn new marketing tips from other writers and regular blog readers. Here are three things…

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3 Common Myths Writers Have about Content Marketing

Over the past two years, as I have discussed content marketing both with other writers and potential clients, I have encountered a number of myths about content marketing writing. Today I am going to focus on the misconceptions that writers have, but in a future posts will tackle this issue from the brand side as well.…

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Google Thinks I am Crazy

I have decided that Google must think I am crazy. While I am working each day, I alternate between researching online, writing articles, and talking on the phone to sources. Oh, and of course I am also emailing clients and playing on social media. But for almost all of my stories, I will do online…

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