Q&A with the Aviation Queen: Finding a Lucrative Niche in the Air

Note from Jennifer: Since a few readers were concerned about limiting themselves with super specific niches, I wanted to find examples of writers who have more more work not less by focusing on a narrow niche. One of my favorite examples is Benét J. Wilson, aka “The Aviation Queen” She focuses on everything related to airplanes…

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Marketing While You Sleep: Are You Doing it Right?

Many mornings when I reach over to check my iPhone before climbing out of bed, I have an email from a potential customer that found me while I was sleeping, usually through my LinkedIn site or website. Sometimes they are low payers or asking me to place articles. But often, they are legitimate clients that…

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What Title Should Content Marketing Writers Use?

It was easy back in the primarily print and even early online days to know what to call ourselves. It was pretty cut and dried. Some people called themselves freelance writers, while others preferred freelance journalists. Everyone knew what that meant – you wrote stories as an independent writer for multiple outlets. There was little…

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Paying Your Mortgage vs Making a Difference

The first thing I remember writing was a poem about the sunset while sitting on the vinyl seat of my parents’ ’68 gray Oldsmobile Cutlass. I was five. And going to the store with my mom. As we pulled into the parking lot, we were surrounded by the most beautiful deep purple and gray tones…

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5 Answers to Your Questions about Niches

I decided to do a bonus post this week since I’m on a deadline and am procrastinating. I’m using the excuse that several readers had some great questions about my post on having sub-niches that I am betting other people have as well. But really the reason is that I have like a million things…

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