The Most Impactful Thing You Can Put on Your Website

When a prospective client looks at your website, you have a short amount of time to impress them. In a very short time, like under 30 seconds, you need to communicate that you are an experienced writer, have subject matter expertise and that you can do a great job for their company or agency. It’s…

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How to Deal with Crickets and Delays: The Waiting Game

Sometime in late 2015, I was contacted by an agency that found me on LinkedIn about a huge 12-month content strategy project with a bucket list client that was probably worth something in the six-figure range. She gave me the impression the gig was mine and would be starting soon, but no contract. Then she…

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How Non-Geek Writers Can Add a B2B Technology Niche

If you talk to a technology content marketing writer these days, they are likely to tell you that business is booming. Not just that they are doing well, but the majority of writers I know have more work than they can handle and are turning down well-paying gigs simply so they have time to do…

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