9 Things to Do This Week to Land Freelance Writing Work 

Note from Jennifer:  I had an amazing experience keynoting at the Content Byte Summit in Sydney, Australia. I met a ton of new friends, learned a lot from the sessions, and delivered a keynote speech that I am very proud of. Huge thank you to Lynne and Rachel who put on an amazing conference. I’m…

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Customizing Your LOI for Multiple Niches

Note: I’ve realized that I have a lot of content from many years ago that is still very relevant that gets buried in my blog. On Wednesdays I’m going to start publishing an older post that I updated. This is a post from a few years ago that I question that I still get asked…

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How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

If a writer tells you that they don’t experience imposter syndrome at some point, they are likely lying. Almost every single writer, including myself, struggles with feeling less than other writers or decides that they need a new career because they suck. After talking to 60 writers this summer, I realized how prevalent it really…

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What I Learned from Talking to 60 Freelance Writers 

Note from Jennifer: I’m super excited about the Content Byte Summit 2023 in Sydney, Australia, which is happening September 14-16, 2023. I’ll be there in person as a keynote speaker, and there are loads of other content marketing experts on the docket so this is going to be a really valuable event with lots of…

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