Content marketing writers share takeaways from ASJA 2019

Note from Jennifer: The American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) may seem like an unlikely resource for content marketing writers but as the profession evolves, more writers are learning about the benefits of joining the organization. And the organization is evolving too, and expanding opportunities for early career writers and those who have taken less traditional career paths. Each spring, ASJA hosts a conference in New York City where writers of various disciplines – as well as editors and client contacts – come together to learn more about how to be successful at whatever type of writing work they choose to do.

By Cat DiStasio

Although I didn’t make it to NYC for ASJA 2019, I was thrilled to hear feedback from writers in the Freelance Content Marketing Writer group. Over the past several years as I’ve worked with Jennifer as a virtual assistant, I’ve come to know the organization and its reputation as a valuable asset for writers of all sorts. With the addition of the Associate membership level, ASJA has expanded its reach and now benefits even more writers, paying special attention to content marketing writing as an emerging career path for many freelance writers.

Here are just some of the impressions writers shared about their experience at the conference:

Community and validation

“There’s not only a name for what I do, but an entire industry and community.” –Sarika Chawla (and on Twitter)

Insight and motivation

“I had an ‘aha’ in one of the sessions that gave me the focus I needed for my Client Connections sessions. It’s an insight that will guide my marketing going forward, and I really don’t think I would have had it if I hadn’t been at the conference.” –Sandra Beckwith

New client opportunities

“I find that attending the conference somehow sparks new business. I came home to three new opportunities in my inbox. This isn’t the first time this has happened either. I now have two assignments from editors I met with at ASJA.” –Marcia Layton Turner

Innovative marketing strategies

“For me, a lot of the sessions reinforced what I’d heard at previous conferences but offered new tactics or new approaches to those concepts. For instance, we’ve heard ‘be relentless’ before but in her job fairy session, Wendy [Helfenbaum] shared lots of ways to find clients that I hadn’t previously considered such as looking at lists of award winners.” –Susan Johnston Taylor (check out her ASJA 2019 roundup post here)

“I never look at job boards because, duh, I don’t want a full-time job. But Wendy H. looks at them as part of her marketing and then reaches out to the companies on LinkedIn right when they need help. Genius.” –Melanie Padgett Powers


Did you attend ASJA 2019? If so, what was your biggest takeaway?