How I convinced myself I’m not a fraud (again)

I know that many of you have been marketing a lot this month, so don’t forget to post your points for the Winter Marketing Challenge. Someone is going to win a $50 gift card from Amazon and it might as well be you! Post by Friday, Feb 9th (this Friday) at 9 pm EST.  January always…

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I Need Your Help

So I finally did it. I wrote a book. And the second draft is almost done. Yeah, I can’t believe it either. With four years of blog posts in the archives, I know it’s hard to find stuff on my blog. And it’s not in a step-by-step format since I write about whatever is top of…

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Guest Post: How Lisa Fields Brainstormed New Clients

Note from Jennifer: One of the biggest challenges I hear from writers is that they don’t know how to find clients. The trick is starting with the audience, not with specific products. If you start with products, you miss many possible new clients. Last year, I wrote down my process in my post Jennifer’s 3…

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Guest Post by Mary Beth Klatt: Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

Note from Jennifer: Since I believe that social media is a huge part of being a succesful freelance content marketing writer, our guest post today shares several ways to use social media to grow your business. Mary Beth Klatt wrote a great guest post about strategies she uses with Facebook and LinkedIn.  Tomorrow is the last…

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