I’m finally blogging again

The past few years have been crazy for me. I got involved in dog rescue again. My kids went to college. I started hiking and kayaking regularly. I broke $200K with my freelance business for the first time. And I became the sole breadwinner in my family. But I let one thing that has been…

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Happy New Year 2022

I am saying this very quietly without fan fare or dramatics. We wished in 2021 with great style and joy, but that didn’t work out so well. So I’m trying something different this year. We will see if it works One of my goals in 2022 is to post a new blog every week. But…

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Reducing the Likelihood of a Never ending Loop

During the past five months, my clients have almost constantly been changing their messaging and scope of projects as their customer’s needs and sentiment changes. The result has been a higher number of revisions because we are trying to meet a moving target. Or the exact opposite almost no revisions because the goal is to…

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