How to Turn a Client into an Anchor Client

Note from Jennifer: With many writers concerned about budget cuts and layoffs, I wanted to update today’s post about anchor clients. This is a great way to turn an occasional client into an anchor client. As we continue with uncertainty, clients that regularly assign you work are key to staying successful.  If you have been considering…

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What To Do When You Lose An Anchor Client

I keep waiting for the shoe to drop. Every January I lose an anchor client by no fault of my own. It’s usually an agency lost a contract. Or often the project lost the freelance budget. The new year typically means new contracts and budgets, which affects us as freelancers. And while it hasn’t happened…

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80+ Marketing Activities for Freelance Content Marketing Writers

Note from Jennifer: To help you find and land your next favorite clients, use this list of marketing activities (which you may recognize from past Winter Marketing Challenges on my blog). You don’t have to do every single one, but the more you do now, the better your chances of meeting and working with more…

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