The Importance of Social Media for Content Marketing Writers

While all freelance writers should be active on social media, it is especially important for content marketing writers to have an active following of the target demographics for the brands that they write for. The reason is simple. If you are writing for a publication, the primary form of distribution of the content is through the physical paper magazine. Although, sharing the web version of the content is important for publications, it is not the primary product. With content marketing, the online version is the whole product.

In the world of content marketing, potential customers find the content through two means: searching and social media. While searching is important, honestly, the huge wins for a brand come when a piece of content goes viral in the social media world. But even if you never get a viral post, having a solid number of shares through social media can significantly increase the number of page views on the content. Because of this, companies often check out a potential content marketing writer’s social media accounts to make sure that they are active and have significant followings.

While having a lot of followers may get you the content marketing writing gig, it is more important to have the right type of social media followers and activity. It is only by getting the content in front of the people who meet the target demographic for your brand that your content will produce the results the brand is looking for. Later this week, I will talk about how to find the type of Twitter followers that will make your clients thrilled with your results and turn them into long-term clients.

What is your experience with social media and content marketing writing? What is your best social media tip for other writers?


  1. […] The Importance of Social Media for Content Marketing Writers […]

  2. Auralee White on October 30, 2013 at 9:24 am

    Great article! Social Media is a great way to get more exposure of your product and services. Since we got live people out there and it keeps on growing, more and more users kept on joining these social networking sites, we can expect great online marketing future.

  3. […] Spend time evaluating your current social media strategy and take steps to improve your presence in 2018. Clients want writers who have a solid social […]